
Posts Tagged ‘federal money’

Government to archive ALL tweets

In Uncategorized on April 15, 2010 at 4:42 am

THIS is not okay with me.

The United States government– the library of Congress specifically (it’s late, but I’m pretty sure that’s some sort of Federal governmental thing)–is archiving your twitter tweets. And MY twitter tweets. And EVERYONE’S twitter tweets. Multiple conerns on multiple levels that are majorly confusing me:

1. WHY do you care? While I believe Twitter is a ridiculously wonderful journalism tool, it’s being used largely for social purposes, and our government is seriously going to take the time to archive “I hate the world” and “GG is a slut” and all the other trash that hormonal teenage girls and boys tweet every five seconds because that’s the most awesome thing that happens in their lives?

2. You’re seriously going to spend MY money archiving tweets? There are SO many things wrong with that.

… I have to go do lamaze breathing and tweet my frustration now. I’m too appalled/annoyed/CONFUSED to blog.