
Posts Tagged ‘Immigration’

Arizona Immigration Law

In Uncategorized on April 30, 2010 at 3:53 am

Please read at least one of these. Inform yourself if you haven’t already:

San Francisco Chronicle: Senator Sylvia Allen (R-AZ) explains the law and its implications in her own terms

CNN: CNN Correspondent Tom Foreman writes a letter to Obama asking for alternative suggestions on how to handle the immigrant situation in border states

New York Times: lawmakers look to Federal government to respond to Arizona situation

What do you guys think? Arizona has passed new legislation that basically makes it against state law to be an illegal citizen. State officials can stop someone they suspect of being an illegal citizen (though supposedly they’re prohibited from doing so solely based on race or ethnicity). Both parties have a number of members against the legislation, though it was enacted by Arizona’s republican legislative body. I’m pretty staunchly liberal, but, as much as I hate to say it, I’m not sure I’m completely on one side or the other, though my party seems to be heavily against it. I worry about racial profiling. That’s my biggest concern here, and it seems to be the big concern for many people that are against it. I’m very against racial profiling. However, I’m also against lawbreaking and receiving benefits you don’t pay taxes for. I’m very sympathetic to the woes of immigrants–I understand that they come to America for a reason, and I am fully for making the citizenship process easier. But as it stands right now, the fact of the matter is, there’s a large population of people that doesn’t pay taxes yet is using our roads, our schools, our hospitals, our social services, etc, without paying for them. I’m so torn here on this law. I think these people deserve a chance at life the way I’ve lived it. I’ve been so lucky to live the life I’ve lived, and that’s what it’s been–pure luck and chance that I was born in this country. Some people don’t have that privilege… why should they suffer? But they are still here illegally. I have been wracking my brain for an easier solution than what Arizona has decided upon to solve the immigration problem but I can’t think of anything. What would you guys do?